One man's voyage to a far off land... ...that millions of folks have seen already.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Tokyo Game Show '08

I fulfilled any Gamer's dream last weekend and attended the Tokyo Game Show, an annual event that displays demos of the biggest upcoming releases from the world's biggest brand leaders (except Nintendo, they're so cool they throw their own private event). The line to get in was HEUG, but fortunately it was in a near constant state of motion. It didn't take us long at all to get inside.

Once through the not-so-tight security, I filed into a large dark area that opened up into a giant poorly-lit exposition hall FILLED with shining screens, brand names, and OVER NINE THOUSAAAAND people. Not long after our arrival, I broke away from my friends to do some exploring on my own. In the end it's a good thing that I did, as they didn't even play anything. I however, shuffled my way to the Konami booth and got my hands on the upcoming Metal Gear Online; a team deathmatch game that has taken cues from Battlefeild and plays, of course, just like Metal Gear Solid 4. I was pleased to see the empty cardboard boxes sitting arond the ruins of an arctic factory, and more pleased to se another one in my inventory.

Anyway, I scoped out the entire place. I was somewhat surprised to see Spore at the EA booth, as it was released last month. Since I have that, I moved along. I wanted to play Final Fantasy Dissidia, but they had special tickets for their demo area. Dissida, by the way, is a fighting game (Ehergeiz, for those of you who know what that is) that uses the main pro- and antagonists from all of the as of yet released FF games as its combatants. Once it's relesed, we'll see how Cloud holds up against Kefka!

Instead I headed for my other anticipated game: Banjo Kazooie- Nuts & Bolts. It is the third release of the BK series on consoles. Unfortunately, this one is an Xbox360 exclusive. I got to play this one, and it handles quite well. They have put a vehicle system in the game they they seem to intend for you to use almost exclusively. Though I'm sure it will still be great fun, I think the game may lose some of its origional charm.

Before leaving, I thought I'd stop by the Square Enix shop. After a good 70 minutes of standing in line, I got inside to take a good look at the merchandice. In the end, I bought a wicked cool rubber ducky. It's a Chocobo. Aftr I got out of there, I went across the way and got me a plush Luigi... after a 0 minute wait...

Final thoughts: Part of me wishes that I had gone back the second day to play Mirror's Edge, Fallout 3, FarCry 2, and LittleBigPlanet. On the other hand, I really don't enjoy waiting hours in lines. Also, I'd like to point out that I did other stuff while in Tokyo, such as go to the Meiji Shrine, stay in a capsule hotel, stay in a cyber cafe, and see a store called "Store My Ducks." However, I don't really want to write about all that stuff. You'll have to wait 'till I get back to hear my stories and see the pictures! MWAHAHA!

As the Game Show was my main goal, that's what you get. Here are some pretty pictures.

Oh, and a note to Ben: I rode the Shinkansen (Bullet Train) to and from Tokyo. It was pretty sweet, but it had every quality of an airplane, exept on the ground.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Blub Blub

Last Saturday I went to the Osaka Aquarium with Mika and Kana. The place was truly awesome. They has exibit after exibit of awesome beasties, each one obscured by the massive crowd. I got as many pictures as I could, but most of them came out horriffically because this camera I'm using preforms just plain bad in low-light conditions.

Anyhow, I still got shots of these guys...

Short post and long in the writing, I know, but I have been very distracted with schoolwork ect. I have another adventure tale on the way soon, so stay tuned.