One man's voyage to a far off land... ...that millions of folks have seen already.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Japanese Rail

I'm sure I've mentioned it in the past, but the public transportation system in Japan is simply amazing. The ease with which you can get from point a to point b is unparalleled by anything I've seen in the States. Trains, buses, taxis, even rickshaws! Every one of these I saw and every one was extremely convenient. The trains were very reasonably priced and very well maintained.

If a rail system like that could be made here, more people would be employed and they wouldn't have to own expensive cars.

What I'm saying is trains are good.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Yes, yes, I'm posting FAR later than I claimed I would. I realize this.

Immediately after I arrived here in the States I had to pack up and head to college. It's been more non-stop than I would like since then.

Anyhoo, My final thoughts on my trip to Japan:

The five months I spent in Japan were an invaluable learning experience for me. I got to meet people from around the world and walk the walk of Japanese life. It is certainly a unique place with a whole lot of charm, lots of friendly people, and more delicious food than you could ever hope for. I hope that someday I can go again and see some of the things that I missed this time.

That about sums it up. From here on in I'll come back to this blog to reminisce about my trip and post a picture or two that you've probably yet to see.

Remember: If you want stories, just ask! I'm a better speaker than writer, after all!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

All Good Things...

Well folks, it has come to the end of my stay here in Japan. I'm really looking forward to being back State-side. I have about an hour before my taxi arrives to take me to the bus stop to take me to the airport. I have a long and boring flight to look forward to, but after that flight I will be back in an English speaking country!

I'll miss my friends here, but I'll be glad to see my friends and family back home.

Next time you hear from me, I'll be home. I'll give you all a final word on my trip, then talk about what I'll do with this blog.

See you soon!

Monday, January 12, 2009

One Final Excursion

The other day I went to the Oji Zoo near Kobe. This is a picture of one of their crowned jewels: A Panda!

They actually have two pandas, but they are kept separate from each other. Among their other attractions are flamingos, monkeys, kangaroos, wild cats, and a red panda. It was all really fun to see and I got quite a few pictures.

Also they had an arcade! I spent a bit of time in there, as they had a few games that I hadn't seen before, and some classics that I couldn't pass up.

That was my last tourist trip.

I haven't much time left in Japan. I'll be heading back in a few days time, and I must say that I'm looking forward to being back in the good old US of A. I plan on posting once more before I leave, and again upon arrival to wrap the whole thing up.

See you then.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Sorry folks, but I'm currently in no state to make a proper entry with pictures and the like. Unfortunately I am currently being attacked from all sides by horrendous exams and a terrible cold. I feel bad on several levels and all I want to do is sleep.

This is, sadly, not too likely.

As I type this it is past midnight and I still have far to go on a paper that is due tomorrow. I doubt I'll get more than about 5 hours of sleep. With luck I'll get this paper more or less done so I can sleep more after I take out my trash in the morning...

I have a few exams to go and not a lot of places left to visit. I plan on going to the Oji-koen Zoo on Saturday, making a final trip to Umeda on Friday, and spending time with my friends on Sunday.

Next week will be brutal. I will be surprised if I make it back in one solid piece.

Wish me luck. I do declare that I need it.